Bambaballoon also offer super fun Live Balloon Twisting/Balloon animals. With a variety of Balloon Sculptures. David Lima Takes Balloon animal to the next level , and your guests will be amazed by all the Crazy creations walking around your event. Wow affect is the goal. The minimum time required is 2 hours, but the guests usually don’t want us to leave. Try to book it for the entire event if possible. Balloons are great for any occasion.
Some of Faces were blurred due Image rights. If you have any pictures of our events please send it to Us.

Adult Party Balloons animals Workshop for a school Balloon Mouse Balloon unicorns David Lima in action balloon animals at WS Park Happy Girl with balloon cat WS park Balloon bird Balloon platypus Bow an arrow balloon Fun Balloon Helicopter jetpacks Our special balloon dog Balloon unicorn Balloon hairbands Wearable Balloon unicorn Balloon at Toy’s R Us Balloon at your store Customers love balloons in a store( Toy’s r Us) Balloon animals at Stop and Shop Balloon animals at Stop and Shop Balloons animals at your communion Balloon Dogs Balloon bunny Balloon Light saber Balloon swords Balloon bunny on a skateboard Balloon cockatoo Balloon sword Balloon Shark Balloon Dog and Penguin Balloon Pig Balloon Hairbands Balloon rainbow Balloon flower and heart Balloon Helicopter jet packs Balloon flowers Balloon Sun-flower Balloon jetpacks
If you would like to get an estimate or book us now, please fill out our online form.